RBC Diversity in Nursing Award
I am from south part of India, Chennai. I graduated Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery in the year 2000. I have total eight years of experience in Medical Surgical, Pediatric and Intensive Cardiothoracic Unit. I came in to Canada in May 2010. Then I have started my Bridge to Canadian Nursing program to work as a Registered Nurse in Canada. I love my profession very much and eagerly waiting to work as a RN in Canada. I am pretty much interested to work in Intensive Cardiac Care units. This CNF award is really great help for me as well as all IENs like me. When I heard of my selection for CNF award. I really excited, had more confidence in me to go forward. I can’t express in words how helpful it is. Simply I want to mention like “God” has come in the form of CNF to help me/others. I am very thankful to CNF awards and others who are supporting nurses like me.