Award Recipient

Adebusola Adekoya

Kathleen Rowat Graduate Student Award

My dad inspired me to be a nurse. He worked as a medical photographer in a teaching hospital and shared with me the valuable contributions nurses make in healthcare. Also, my passion for caring for people and desire to make a positive difference in their lives led me to apply to a nursing diploma program in Nigeria. After I immigrated to Canada, I worked as a registered nurse in a long-term care home and developed interest in gerontology. I was particularly interested in behaviours often viewed as challenging such as ‘wandering’ and how to create supportive environments for people living with dementia. My quest for knowledge and desire to improve the quality of life of older adults led me to pursue bachelor’s and master’s degrees in nursing. During my master’s program, I developed a strong interest in teaching and research. I took on a teaching role at Red River Polytechnic College which allowed me to share my knowledge and vision for excellence in gerontology with nursing students. I also saw the importance of evidence-informed public health policies on practice and patient experience. This inspired me to enroll in a PhD program in Aging, Health, and Well-being at the University of Waterloo. My doctoral research examines the process of policy development of community alert systems for locating missing persons with dementia. I am grateful to CNF for the Kathleen Rowat Graduate Student Award and the opportunity to continue to address issues related to the health and well-being of the aging population. 

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