CNSA Impact Award
My journey to nursing was a roundabout one, but I value all the stops along the way. Prior to applying to nursing I worked as a social worker in community mental health and addictions. I found myself drawn to the role of the nurses I met, and excited about having a deeper knowledge of physiology and the physical manifestations of stress and trauma. I spent a few years in night school studying the prerequisites to the University of Toronto program and became more and more excited about my possible future as a nurse.
Having just completed my first year of the accelerated program, I know I’m in the right place. I see nursing as a unique opportunity to provide both the best physical and the best emotional care. I’m passionate about anti-oppressive, trauma informed nursing and had the opportunity to organize a Trauma Informed Care workshop with my fellow nursing and medical school colleagues last year.
Nursing school has been an incredible learning experience and I look forward to a lifetime of learning in this field.