Available Scholarships

Canadian Nurses Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting nursing education across Canada. We provide a wide range of scholarships to nursing students who are pursuing baccalaureate, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees. These scholarships are awarded based on merit and can range from $750 to $10,000, depending on the level of study. 

CNF is proud to offer more than 100 scholarships to deserving nursing students every year. The list of scholarships represents both current and past opportunities to provide financial support to students who have committed to advancing their education and pursuing careers in nursing. The Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing nursing education and fostering excellence in healthcare. Through our comprehensive scholarship program, we support nursing students across Canada at the baccalaureate, master’s, and Ph.D. levels, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals.

Our merit-based scholarships range from $750 to $10,000, depending on the level of study, providing critical financial assistance to aspiring nurses. Each year, CNF proudly awards over 100 scholarships to exceptional students who are committed to furthering their education and making a meaningful impact in healthcare.

Our growing list of scholarships reflects both current and past opportunities to invest in the next generation of nursing professionals. By supporting nursing students, we help strengthen the healthcare system and ensure that highly skilled nurses continue to provide quality care across Canada.

Baccalaureate Level Awards


Anita George Memorial Nursing Scholarship


CeraVe Skincare Scholarships for Diversity and Equity


Frances Mary Stoddart Award


Margaret F. Munro Scholarship


John J Vanderlee Award for Male Nursing Students


Sharon Nield Memorial Award


Karen Graham Northern Nursing Award


Erin Hogg Northern Nursing Award


Nova Scotia Nurses Award




Nightingale - Po Ting Scholarship


CNSA Practical Nursing Award


CNSA Registered Psychiatric Nursing Award


CNSA Disability / Diversability Award


CNSA Environmental Award


CNSA Impact Award




CNSA Mental Health Award


CNSA Education Award


CNSA Parent Nursing Award


CNSA Clinical Award


CNSA Community Involvement Award


Virginia A. Lindabury Award


Judy Hill Memorial Scholarship

Masters Level Awards


NANB CNA Centennial Scholarship


Eleanor Jean Martin Award


NANB Masters Scholarship


Keith and Donna Brunskill Pain Management Scholarship


Dr. Helen K. Mussallem Fellowship Award


Extendicare Scholarship in Gerontology


SANOFI Vaccines Scholarship in Public or Community Health


Dr. Helen Preston Glass Fellowship Fund


CRNM Centennial Legacy


Ginette Lemire Rodger Award


Glenna Roswell Award


Military Nurses of Canada Award


Nova Scotia Nurses Award Manitoba


The Saint Elizabeth Home and Community Care Scholarship


Marilynne Convey Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia Association Of Canada (AAMAC) Award

PhD Level Awards


Alice Girard Award


Ann Beckingham Award


ARNNL Education and Research Trust 25th Anniversary Scholarship


Bianca Beyer Award


NANB/TD Meloche Monnex Centennial Doctoral Scholarship


Frances Moran Award


Senator Norman Paterson Award


New Brunswick PhD Nursing Scholarship


Sigma Theta Tau International Doctoral Scholarship

Baccalaureate, Masters and PhD Level Awards

Bacc., Masters & PhD

Tylenol Fund for Equity and Diversity

Bacc. or Masters

Alumnae Association of the Royal Victoria Hospital Training School for Nurses Scholarship

Bacc., Masters & PhD

Sawer Sisters Nursing Award

Master & PhD

Dr. Kathryn J Hannah Nursing Informatics Scholarship

Master & PhD

NLN.ON/CNF Nursing Leadership Award

Masters & PhD

Dorothy Kergin Fellowship Award

Internationally Educated Nurses Awards


CNF Diversity Fund


Adriana Polderman International Education Certification Award


Brenda Jeam IEN Nursing Award


The Tecla Lin and Nelia Laroza Memorial Award


Anita George Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Must be an Indigenous nursing student at the baccalaureate level.


CeraVe Skincare Scholarships for Diversity and Equity

Must be in the second year or beyond. Must self-identify as a member of a marginalized community and express financial need.


Frances Mary Stoddart Award

Must be studying at the Baccalaureate level.


Margaret F. Munro Scholarship

To support nursing students at the Baccalaureate level. Preference is given to students in PEI or at the University of PEI.

Baccalaureate Level

John J Vanderlee Award for Male Nursing Students

To support second-year and above male nursing students at the Baccalaureate level.


Sharon Nield Memorial Award

Must be a nursing student at the baccalaureate level.


Karen Graham Northern Nursing Award

Supporting a nursing student from Canada’s North.


Erin Hogg Northern Nursing Award

Open to baccalaureate students who intend to work in Canada’s North. Preference to Indigenous applicants.


Nova Scotia Nurses Award

Nurses who are members of CRNNS or nursing students residing in Nova Scotia

Baccalaureate Level


This award is open to CNSA members, who self-identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and are currently enrolled in a RPN, LPN, or RN program in Canada.


Nightingale - Po Ting Scholarship

Must be a nursing student at the baccalaureate level interested in working in home care.


CNSA Practical Nursing Award

This is an opportunity for CNSA to recognize the achievements and efforts of our practice nursing students. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing, and a practical nursing student.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Registered Psychiatric Nursing Award

This is an opportunity for CNSA to recognize the achievements and efforts of our practice nursing students. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing, and a registered psychiatric nursing student.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Disability/Diversability Award

This award is open to nursing students who are a CNSA member and who self-identify as having a diversability and/or disability and are currently enrolled in a RPN, LPN, or RN program in Canada.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Environmental Award

This is an opportunity for you to be awarded for the advocacy work that you have done in promoting environmental stewardship practice as related to your education, practice and future profession. This advocacy work is to be done outside of required class assignments, which may include but not limited to: promoting positive environmentally-responsible actions through education on waste reduction and energy consumption practices. Must be a CNSA member.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Impact Award

This is an opportunity for you to be awarded for the work that you have achieved in promoting CNSA activities, objectives and goals and creating an impact to the nursing education and profession through CNSA. This advocacy work is to be done outside of required class assignments, which may include but not limited to promoting CNSA activities to students and stakeholders, encouraging involvement and leadership opportunities within CNSA, influencing local/regional/national health policy change through CNSA, facilitating an inspiring workshop at CNSA events, etc. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing.

Baccalaureate Level


This is an opportunity for CNSA to recognize the leadership and achievements of our BIPOC students; as well as the unique barriers that they face. This award is open to nursing students who identify as part of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) community, and are currently enrolled in a RPN, LPN, or RN program in Canada. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Mental Health Award

CNSA Mental Health Award $750

This is an opportunity for you to be awarded for the advocacy work that you have done in mental health as related to your journey, education, practice and future profession in the last academic calendar. This advocacy work is to be done outside of required class assignments and can be volunteer experience. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Education Award

This is an opportunity for a student to be recognized and awarded for the hard work they have done this academic year within the areas of education and/or research in relation to their current education and future profession. This education and research are to be completed outside of required class assignments. Examples of achievements in education and research may include research projects surrounding concurrent nursing topics, advocating for nursing curriculum advancements, or participation in continued learning opportunities outside of the classroom, such as certification in specialty areas. Applicants MUST be enrolled in a CNSA chapter school in good standing.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Parent Nursing Award

This is an opportunity for CNSA to recognize the achievements and efforts of our students who are also a parent.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Clinical Award

This is an opportunity for you to be awarded for the work that you have done in the area of clinical excellence in the last calendar year. This work can be completed both in clinical practice settings and/or in the classroom/virtual learning environment, where you are able to demonstrate proficiency in clinical nursing skills and ways of knowing. Must be a CNSA member.

Baccalaureate Level

CNSA Community Involvement Award

This is the opportunity for a student to be recognized and awarded for their hard work this academic year within the area of community involvement. The involvement can be in your local, regional or national community. This can include but is not limited to harm reduction, health promotion and advocacy for vulnerable populations. Must be a CNSA member.


Virginia A. Lindabury Award

Must be a nursing student at the baccalaureate level.


Judy Hill Memorial Scholarship

Must show interest in midwifery, outpost nursing, public health nursing, or remote health care.

Masters Level

NANB CNA Centennial Scholarship

Open to all registered nurses in New Brunswick studying at the Masters level from all domains of practice.

Masters Level

Elanor Jean Martin Award

Must be a Masters level student studying neuro-surgical nursing or cancer nursing.


NANB Masters Scholarship

Open to all registered nurses in New Brunswick studying at the Masters level from all domains of practice.

Masters Level

Keith and Donna Brunskill Pain Management Scholarship

Support for nurses in pursuit of graduate education with a focus on best nursing and/or interdisciplinary practice for the promotion of optimized pain management with preference given to a focus of participatory action research. An individual may receive the Scholarship one time only. Preference given to practicing Saskatchewan RN applicants.

Masters Level

Dr. Helen K. Mussallem Fellowship Award

Must be a nursing student at the Masters level.


Extendicare Scholarship in Gerontology

Open to nurses who intend to practice, teach or research in gerontology/long term care.

Master’s Level

SANOFI Vaccines Scholarship in Public or Community Health

Open to all eligible students in a Master Nursing program in Public or Community Health.

Masters Level

Dr. Helen Preston Glass Fellowship Fund

Must be a Manitoba resident who is a member of ARNM. Studying in the area of community health nursing, primary health care, health promotion, nursing administration, nursing education, cross-cultural nursing, and studies which focus on “At Risk Populations” such as the elderly, middle age, young adult, adolescent and child.

Masters Level

CRNM Centennial Legacy

Only available to Manitoba residents who are registered on the practicing register with ARNM

Masters Level

Ginette Lemire Rodger Award

Must be a nurse studying at the Masters level, specializing in Nursing Administration.

Masters Level

Military Nurses of Canada Award

Preference given to military or former military nurses, or their relatives.

Masters Level

Nova Scotia Nurses Award

Must be a member of the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba

Masters Level

The Saint Elizabeth Home and Community Care Scholarship

Must be a Masters level student studying home and community care. 

Masters Level

Marilynne Convey Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia Association Of Canada (AAMAC) Award

Open to nurses who will be focusing their research in the field of oncology or haematology (particularly with interest in bone marrow failure disorders). Recipients are expected to write an article about their scholarship and the impct of their work on the nursing community to be published in the AAMAC newsletter.  Recipients are encouraged to  increase awareness of Aplastic Anemia & Myelodysplasia issues by presenting to colleagues or by volunteering with AAMAC.

PhD Level

Alice Girard Award

Must be a nursing student at the PhD level.

PhD Level

Ann Beckingham Award

Must be studying in the field of Gerontology.

PhD Level

ARNNL Education and Research Trust 25th Anniversary Scholarship

To support RN’s in pursuit of PhD studies in Newfoundland.

PhD Level

Bianca Beyer Award

Must be a nursing student at the PhD level.


NANB/TD Meloche Monnex Centennial Doctoral Scholarship

Open to all registered nurses in New Brunswick studying at the  PhD level from all domains of practice.

PhD Level

Frances Moran Award

Must be an Indigenous nursing student at the PhD level.

PhD Level

Senator Norman Paterson Award

Must be a nursing student at the PhD level.

PhD Level

New Brunswick PhD Nursing Scholarship

Open to all registered nurses in New Brunswick studying at the  PhD level from all domains of practice.

PhD Level

Sigma Theta Tau International Doctoral Scholarship

To support nurses working on their PhD dissertation.

Bacc., Masters & PhD Level

Tylenol Fund for Equity and Diversity

These scholarships will be provided to students who self-identify as member of a marginalized community, or students conducting research within marginalized populations, or within the field of equity, diversity, and systemic inequities.

Bacc or Masters Level

Alumnae Association of the Royal Victoria Hospital Training School for Nurses Scholarship

Must be McGill University Health Centre employee and studying at the Baccalaurate or Masters level.

Bacc., Masters & PhD Level

Sawer Sisters Nursing Award

To support a nurse or nursing student advancing their skills in the areas of Palliative Care while studying in the Province of Nova Scotia. If initial criteria can not be met then the award is to be given to a student studying Palliative Care elsewhere in Canada.

Masters & PhD Level

Dr. Kathryn J Hannah Nursing Informatics Scholarship

Support to registered nurses working in Informatics.

Masters & PhD Level

NLN.ON/CNF Nursing Leadership Award

Must be a registered Nurse in Ontario. Current member of NLN.ON (min one year). Enrolled in graduate program dedicated to nursing leadership. Must be willing to present knowledge translation through presentation at NLN.ON events.

Masters & PhD Level

Dorothy Kergin Fellowship Award

Must be a nursing student at the Masters or PhD level.

Internationally Educated Nurses

CNF Diversity Fund

To support internationally educated nurses

Internationally Educated Nurses

Adriana Polderman International Education Certification Award

Internationally Educated Nurse, preference given to residence of BC

Internationally Educated Nurses

Brenda Jeam IEN Nursing Award

Must be in an IEN bridging program

Internationally Educated Nurses

The Tecla Lin and Nelia Laroza Memorial Award

Must be in an IEN bridging program

Contact Us

The Canadian Nurses Foundation welcomes all inquiries.

Address Canadian Nurses Foundation
135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9 Canada
Telephone: 613-680-0879
Toll Free: 1-844-204-0124
Email: info@cnf-fiic.ca
Media: cmcgarvey@cnf-fiic.ca

Giving Tuesday has become a global movement for giving and marks the beginning of the giving season for your favourite causes. Thank you for joining Canadian Nurses Foundation today as we celebrate our 10th annual campaign. Double your gift today!

We know that helping nurses and nursing students is a team effort. More qualified nurses, more nurse-led research, more nurses and nursing students supported with mentoring and proactive mental health programs and training – that’s the outcome of your support. This leads to a stronger, more robust healthcare system for Canada.

Your support today, on Giving Tuesday, empowers us to set ambitious goals, strengthen our resources, and show that our collective generosity fuels the next generation of nurses. Let’s make this year’s Giving Tuesday our most impactful yet, proving that our collective kindness can create lasting change.

Click here to double your donation today thanks to Meazure Learning and The OTUS Group – our matching partners for Giving Tuesday.