Award Recipient

Dominique Anekwe


I am honoured to be selected as a CNF scholar for the 2023/2024 intake. My journey towards becoming a healthcare professional started in high school, where I excelled in health sciences courses. However, I was unsure which path to take. It was the tragic loss of my elder brother to kidney failure and my aunt to surgical complications that motivated me to pursue nursing. 

Enrolling at MacEwan University in 2020, I immersed myself in the BSN program, gaining invaluable clinical experience. Working as an undergraduate nurse at the hospital, I found immense joy in witnessing patients’ healing and regaining independence. Nursing has proved to be a rewarding profession, allowing me to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives through evidence-based care. 

One aspect close to my heart is enhancing cultural competence, awareness, and safety in nursing practice. As a member of a visible minority, I am committed to reducing healthcare disparities through culturally sensitive and unbiased care. 

As I round up the fourth year of my nursing program, I look forward to embarking on my career as a registered nurse. Nursing’s universal nature, combined with its diverse and varied opportunities, excites me. I am passionate about leaving a positive imprint on patients from all backgrounds. 

In conclusion, I am grateful for this opportunity as a CNF scholar and eager to see where my nursing career will lead me. My commitment to improving healthcare and making a difference in patients’ lives drives my enthusiasm for the future. 

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