Award Recipient

Doniya Quenneville

Judy Hill Memorial Award

My current nursing experience has been eye opening and uplifting. I am looking forward to the challenges and the opportunities that my third year of my Bachelors of Science in Nursing program at the University of Ottawa will bring.

I feel blessed to have received the Judy Hill Memorial Award from the Canadian Nurses Foundation.  This award has given me not only financial aid, but has also given me the confidence that others believe in my goal of becoming a nurse as well.  Specifically during this 2014/2015 academic year I will strive as a nursing student to continue to push my personal boundaries in order to have a one of a kind education and practical experience. I am committed to continue to flourish academically, while embracing my altruistic side by participating in more volunteer positions such as being: a Registered Nursing Association of Ontario (RNAO) Student Representation, and a member of the University of Ottawa Student Emergency Response Team (UOSERT).

Having the ability to utilize my time toward such activities will allow me to give back to my University and to the nursing profession. Furthermore, I believe the skills I will learn while volunteering will be directly transferred into my future nursing practice, such as learning how to communicate efficiently during an emergency. I believe I will be able to learn a broader spectrum of knowledge not obtained in a conventional classroom thanks to this opportunity. Thank you for believing inmy capabilities, and I look forward to a bright and fulfilling future as a striving nursing student.

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135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9 Canada
Telephone: 613-680-0879
Toll Free: 1-844-204-0124

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We know that helping nurses and nursing students is a team effort. More qualified nurses, more nurse-led research, more nurses and nursing students supported with mentoring and proactive mental health programs and training – that’s the outcome of your support. This leads to a stronger, more robust healthcare system for Canada.

Your support today, on Giving Tuesday, empowers us to set ambitious goals, strengthen our resources, and show that our collective generosity fuels the next generation of nurses. Let’s make this year’s Giving Tuesday our most impactful yet, proving that our collective kindness can create lasting change.

Click here to double your donation today thanks to Meazure Learning and The OTUS Group – our matching partners for Giving Tuesday.