Johnson & Johnson Award
Thank you to the donors, CNF, and Johnson & Johnson for this amazing honor. I am entering my fourth year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at Douglas College. Prior to nursing, I received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UBC and worked as an accountant before completely changing careers and becoming a Registered Massage Therapist. As a result of my education and experience in both these professions, I learned organization, critical thinking, and effective communication skills, all of which are integral to the practice of nursing. However, nothing compares to the caring, patience, and conflict-management skills I have acquired as a wife and busy mother of two young children. Over the past three years, I have found nursing to be interesting, challenging, and deeply rewarding, and am looking forward to discovering all of the amazing career possibilities that this profession has to offer. Upon graduation, I plan to further my education by specializing in pediatric critical care and hope to work with the best nurses in the field at BC Children’s Hospital.
Nearing the end of my nursing studies, I am so grateful for the financial assistance this scholarship provides, and the ability to restore some balance between school and my life outside of nursing. It is because of organizations such as yours that recognizes the contribution of students that allows us to become the best possible nurses we can be. Thank you again.