Dr. Ann C. Beckingham Award

I am a PhD student in the College of Nursing at the University of Manitoba. I received my nursing degree in 2014 and have been working as a bedside nurse in cardiology and critical care ever since. Working as an ICU nurse during the pandemic was an extraordinary experience. I saw firsthand how strong leaders could make a positive impact in a particularly trying time. This knowledge fueled my motivation to pursue a doctorate degree so I too could make a substantive contribution in nursing.  

Personally, and professionally, I have seen how inequities in our health care system impact vulnerable populations, especially older adults. Unfortunately, this was compounded during the pandemic when decisions were made for older adults living in long-term care (LTC) instead of with them. My research will focus on understanding the experience of what it is like for an older adult to be separated from their partner/ spouse when they transition into LTC. I have always loved working with older adults and I’m excited to conduct research that will allow me to work with and for them; conducting research studies that can make a positive impact in their lives.  

I have been a nurse for a decade now and I feel incredibly fortunate for all of the experiences and opportunities the nursing profession has provided me with. Receiving this award is among one of my greatest accomplishments and I am thankful for the support and confidence in my capabilities. I am truly honoured to be the recipient of the Dr. Ann C. Beckingham Award and proud to be a Canadian Nurses Foundation scholar. 

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La Fondation des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada accueille toutes les demandes de renseignements.
AdresseCanadian Nurses Foundation
135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9
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