Legacy Giving
Thousands of Stories of Hope for the Future.
Thanks to generous gifts from donors like you, CNF hears stories of hope for today, tomorrow and for the future.
With your support, nurses can provide the best possible care for patients, families, and communities. Whether your estate is large or small, you can make a difference in health care for years to come.

"The Canadian Nurses Foundation changed my life and the lives of people receiving care at home."
Dr. Margaret Saari
Registered Nurse/Clinical Scientist
There Are Many Ways To Create Your Long Lasting Legacy
Wills & Bequests
Leaving a gift to CNF in your will is simple. You can choose to leave CNF a specific piece of property, securities, cash, or a percentage of your estate. Your lawyer can help you to draft or revise your will, or add a codicil.
Benefits include:
- Satisfaction of providing a future gift while retaining control of your assets during your lifetime
- A charitable tax receipt to your estate
- Reduction or elimination of estate taxes through careful planning
- An opportunity to honour or memorialize yourself or a loved one by establishing a named endowment fund
Gifts of Securities
Securities can include stocks, mutual funds, segregated funds, bonds, and flow-through shares. Your broker can best advise you on how to transfer your securities directly to CNF.
Benefits Include:
- Option of giving now, or as part of your estate and will planning
- Satisfaction of seeing your gift put to good use today
- A charitable tax receipt
- No capital gains tax paid
- Donating part of your stock and retaining the remainder for personal use
Gifts of Life Insurance
Gifts of life insurance are a cost-effective opportunity to transform modest premium payments into a significant gift for CNF. When donating a life insurance policy, your best option will depend on whether you seek tax relief during your lifetime or for your estate. Contact your insurance provider to find out how to transfer ownership of a policy, create a new policy, or change the policy beneficiary to CNF.
Benefits Include:
- Smaller current cash investment leveraged into a larger future gift
- A charitable tax receipt
- Tax savings in your lifetime or for your estate
Gifts of RRSP, RRIF Funds
Gifts of RRSPs and RRIFs are a tax-smart and effective way to transform these assets into significant support for CNF, and it’s easy! Simply request a change in beneficiary form from your plan provider, name CNF as the beneficiary of all or a portion of the RRSP or RRIF, and return the document to your plan provider.
Benefits Include:
Satisfaction of providing a future gift, while retaining ownership and use of the fund during your lifetime
A charitable tax receipt for your estate
Offsetting estate taxes and reducing probate fees
Ability to donate and at the same time provide for your family by naming more than one beneficiary
Endowment Funds
Create an everlasting legacy of health. Designate your gift to support one of CNF’s nursing education scholarships or research grants in honour of someone special. You may name them in your own name or to honour a loved one.
For more information on ways to make a legacy gift, please contact Chris McGarvey at 613-680-0879 x 223, 1-844-204-0124, cmcgarvey@cnf-fiic.ca
YOU can do something meaningful to help others, even after you’re gone.
Letting us know that you have made a bequest allows us the opportunity to thank you today, and ensure that your gift will accomplish your chosen legacy.