Award Recipient

Manju Kochukunju

RBC Diversity in Nursing Fund Award

When the question of choosing a career came in my life, I decided to join Military Nursing service in India.  As a Girl Guide at school, I heard a lot of stories of soldiers who served my country and abroad. I had many opportunities to visit Military Hospitals and was impressed by the uniform commitment and enthusiasm of the army nurses. Joining the services met both my interests, to serve the country and be a nurse.

My late mother, who herself suffered from a chronic health condition would tell me my compassionate nature would suit a nurse more than any other career and that was true. I love taking care of sick people. The fact that I could make differences in people’s lives gave me a lot of satisfaction. I enjoyed talking to people and loved the moment they unfolded their stories. They were appreciative of the time I spent with them. I could be sharing situations of both joy and sorrow with people.

Other than the altruistic nature of this job, there are many rewards to this profession as well. I knew my academic bent would be satisfied in this career. The educational opportunities are never ending. Job security, financial security and advancing career opportunities were the nature of this profession. I could take care of myself and my family pretty well. Nursing also offers challenging situations for people who wish to grow. I love nurses and love being a nurse and would love to tell the world “we are always there for you”.

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135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9 Canada
Telephone: 613-680-0879
Toll Free: 1-844-204-0124

Giving Tuesday has become a global movement for giving and marks the beginning of the giving season for your favourite causes. Thank you for joining Canadian Nurses Foundation today as we celebrate our 10th annual campaign. Double your gift today!

We know that helping nurses and nursing students is a team effort. More qualified nurses, more nurse-led research, more nurses and nursing students supported with mentoring and proactive mental health programs and training – that’s the outcome of your support. This leads to a stronger, more robust healthcare system for Canada.

Your support today, on Giving Tuesday, empowers us to set ambitious goals, strengthen our resources, and show that our collective generosity fuels the next generation of nurses. Let’s make this year’s Giving Tuesday our most impactful yet, proving that our collective kindness can create lasting change.

Click here to double your donation today thanks to Meazure Learning and The OTUS Group – our matching partners for Giving Tuesday.