Award Recipient

Morgan MacNeil

Keith and Donna Brunskill Pain Management Scholarship

My name is Morgan MacNeil and I am in my second year of the PhD in Nursing program at Dalhousie University, under the supervision of Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo. The focus of my doctoral thesis is studying pain indicators in infants with intellectual disability. 

Like many others, my primary motivation behind becoming a nurse was the ability to combine two of my interests – science and teaching. I was fortunate to grow up in a household of health professionals, where I was exposed to the wonderous world of science. During my upbringing, I was also blessed to be surrounded by inspirational teachers through school and sport. From the very beginning, I knew I wanted to satisfy my inquisitive mind and establish a scientific knowledge base, while also being a leader for others. For me, it was always nursing. 

The profession of nursing allows me to care and advocate for vulnerable persons, comfort and empathize with families, collaborate with brilliant minds, be a shoulder for someone to lean on, a hand for someone to squeeze, assist in making someone’s last breath in this world a peaceful one, and acquire the skills and evidence needed to advance healthcare in a meaningful way. 

The nursing profession and graduate program have provided me with numerous opportunities for knowledge advancement, growth, and reflection. While I am grateful for every learning experience, patient encounter, professional collaboration, and conference opportunity, my most prized accomplishment is working in a research field that will advance care for vulnerable populations, including my younger sister, who has Down syndrome. 

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