Award Recipient

Myriam Breau

Dr. Dorothy J. Kergin Fellowship

This prestigious scholarship encourages me to reflect on my 20-year career as a registered nurse in New Brunswick.  I began my nursing career with a desire to care for the sickest and most vulnerable. I was fortunate to work in an intensive care unit under the direction of exceptional registered nurses. These nurses are still my best friends today. I was a union representative and developed leadership skills early on. Difficult working conditions and their negative effects on nurses led me to pursue a Master’s degree. During these years, I was mentored by a graduate nurse with a PhD, who believed in me so much that she unleashed my potential. I had never dreamed of pursuing my career at doctoral level. I am the nurse I am today because I have been nurtured by great leaders and nurses over the past 20 years.   

Today, I have developed a keen interest in nursing research on all aspects related to working conditions, leadership and their impact on nurses and patient outcomes. As a professor at the Université de Moncton School of Nursing, I hope to inspire nursing students and raise the profile of the nursing profession. My doctoral research is guided by my first mentor and an eminent health care researcher who allow me to challenge myself and learn the complexities of health care research. It is with great humility that I receive this scholarship from the CNF. The Foundation’s support will enable me to complete my doctorate and begin my career as a nurse researcher in the field of patient safety.

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