Sheena Simpkins

Extendicare Award Sheena Simpkins is currently employed as a Nursing Instructor at the University of Lethbridge, and as a Registered Nurse at the Lethbridge Regional

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Seraphina McAlister

Rx&D Award I am completing a Master of Science in Nursing degree and a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner diploma at the University of Ottawa.

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Sarah Stephens

TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund Award Canadian singer songwriter Johnny Reid can bring audiences to tears with his song “Today I’m going to try and change

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Robyn Tyrrell

CNF Award My name is Robyn Tyrrell and I am currently entering my fourth year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Grant

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Ross Ballantyne

John Vanderlee Award It is with great pleasure that I write in regards to the CNF John Vanderlee Award that I have received. It is

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Sarah Brooks

TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund Award My name is Sarah Brooks and I am currently in pursuit on my BScN through the Nursing education program of

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Rachael Truckey

TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund Award My name is Rachael Truckey; I attend the University of Alberta. The Transfer Program at the University that I completed

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Natalie Morgunov

Johnson & Johnson Award I graduated with an honours Bachelor of Health Sciences degree from the University of Calgary in 2011. In September 2012, I

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Monica Friesen

Military Nurses Association Award Founded by Col. Agnes Campbell Neill I am pursing a Master of Science in Nursing as a means to realize new

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Mellanie Kant

Extendicare Nurse Practitioner Award For the decade preceding my application to graduate school I had been working in clinical research for pharmaceutical companies that were

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Telephone: 613-680-0879
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