Our History

Since 1962, the Canadian Nurses Foundation has helped nurses learn, investigate and advance nursing best practices. We improve the delivery of health care by awarding scholarships to promising nursing students and nurses at all educational levels, and by funding nurse-led research that enhances the quality and efficacy of patient care.

Almost 440,000 nurses (RPNs, RNs, LPNs) work with Canadians at every age and stage of life — in clinical settings and in education, research, administration and policy across the country. Nurses are leaders in public health, patient safety and are critical to the achievement of positive health care outcomes.

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Excellence in Nursing
Care since 1962

What We Stand For

The Canadian Nurses Foundation supports world-class Canadian health care by raising funds to advance nursing knowledge and research, and by recognizing professional merit in Canada’s nurses. We invest in nursing excellence for better patient care.

Nurses look at the whole patient through the lens of social and economic determinants of health. The care nurses provide reflects how people live in their community and nurses often anchor the health care teams that work with patients.If you want better health, better care and better value for all Canadians, then your investment in us is a wise one.

The history of the Canadian Nurses Foundation very much parallels the history of medicare in Canada. As the 1960s began, there was a serious concern in Canadian society about our whole health care system.

In 1961, all Canadian provinces signed on to the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act – the ground-breaking legislation that created a truly national, universal health insurance system. Canada embraced publicly-funded health care and we’ve never looked back.

The same year, the Royal Commission on Health Services was established and the Commission presented four recommendations – one of these recommendations was to examine the entire field of nursing education.

Prior to this, the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) had asked Dr. Helen Mussallem to conduct a survey of nursing schools across Canada with the goal of assessing how prepared the schools were for a national system of accreditation. The findings of Mussallem’s work, paired with the timing of the Commission’s findings, led the CNA to decide that the time had come to strike a special committee to establish a foundation.

This committee was comprised of nine women who envisioned a much larger role for nurses in our health care system. These visionaries – Helen Carpenter, Alice Girard, Ella Mae Howard, Corinne Laflamme, Katherine MacLaggan, Electa MacLennan, Lillian Pettigrew, Mary Richmond and Pearl Stiver – helped to found the Canadian Nurses Foundation.

They dreamed of making nursing a legitimate and respected profession in or of its own right. They recognized the potential for the study of nursing to go far beyond a hospital-based diploma program. They understood the potential for nurses to play a much larger and more important role in patient care in a wide array of specialized areas. They knew that great nurses would want to keep learning and keep deepening their knowledge throughout their careers.

When the Canadian Nurses Foundation was established in 1962, for the first time in Canadian nursing history, nurses had somewhere to go to seek financial assistance to further their education, and later on, to secure funds to pursue research related to nursing care.

Over the past 50 years, the Canadian Nurses Foundation has awarded scholarships, bursaries and research grants to more than 1,800 Canadian nurses and nursing students. The value of those awards total more than $12 million. Not only have these awards transformed the lives of nurses – they have created far better experiences and outcomes for the millions of patients who have benefited from our investments.

Every one of us who is involved with the Canadian Nurses Foundation takes remarkable pride in the incredible good we’ve accomplished to date. But today, much more needs to be done.

For every single award we grant, there are five worthy scholarship applicants. We need to do so much more to keep building on the vision of those nine determined women who launched us in 1962. We’re more determined than ever to bring that vision to its full realization.

Our Vision

Excellence in nursing care.

Our Mission

To advance nursing knowledge and improve health care by providing scholarships, awards, and research grants to nurses and nursing students in Canada.

Contact Us

The Canadian Nurses Foundation welcomes all inquiries.

Address Canadian Nurses Foundation
135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9 Canada
Telephone: 613-680-0879
Toll Free: 1-844-204-0124
Email: info@cnf-fiic.ca
Media: cmcgarvey@cnf-fiic.ca

Giving Tuesday has become a global movement for giving and marks the beginning of the giving season for your favourite causes. Thank you for joining Canadian Nurses Foundation today as we celebrate our 10th annual campaign. Double your gift today!

We know that helping nurses and nursing students is a team effort. More qualified nurses, more nurse-led research, more nurses and nursing students supported with mentoring and proactive mental health programs and training – that’s the outcome of your support. This leads to a stronger, more robust healthcare system for Canada.

Your support today, on Giving Tuesday, empowers us to set ambitious goals, strengthen our resources, and show that our collective generosity fuels the next generation of nurses. Let’s make this year’s Giving Tuesday our most impactful yet, proving that our collective kindness can create lasting change.

Click here to double your donation today thanks to Meazure Learning and The OTUS Group – our matching partners for Giving Tuesday.