Award Recipient

Rachel Cuell

John and Sanne Hansen/Craig Martin Memorial Pediatric Nursing Scholarship

I always knew I wanted to work in health care. Growing up in a small community, I saw how life experiences shape a person’s health and wellness. Although I didn’t yet have the words for it, I saw how our health care system systematically creates barriers for those of us who are racial minorities, have experienced adverse experiences, or who have a disability. I knew I wanted to work to take down these barriers and make a difference in the lives of those of us who are most vulnerable, especially children. I love spending time with my little siblings, watching them grow and learn about the world around them. As a teenager, I worked as a lifeguard and loved every second of first-aid training and emergency simulations. Learning these skills solidified my desire to work in health care. Working directly with patients as a nurse allows me to feel fulfilled and gives me the opportunity to make a lasting impact on people’s lives. My desire to go into pediatric nursing was solidified when my niece spent time in the BC Children’s Hospital. Experiencing the dedication and impact the nurses had not only on my niece, but also on my entire family, made me realize pediatric nursing was where I wanted to be. I am extremely excited for the rest of my education and feel incredibly honored for the opportunity to pursue pediatric nursing and make a difference in the lives of children and their families. 

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