Award Recipient

Sarah Fowler

CeraVe Skincare Scholarships for Diversity and Equity

This year, I am entering my fourth and final year of the Bachelor of Nursing program at the University of New Brunswick. I have always wanted to have a career that allows me to make a positive impact in the lives of my community members. As an Inuit-Métis woman, it is important to me that I provide holistic and all-inclusive care. My volunteer work at Riverstone Recovery Clinic, a clinic specializing in opioid replacement therapy, has helped me discover my passion for aiding people with mental health concerns. I am currently working to complete a certificate in mental health and a minor in psychology, in addition to my degree. Thanks to my role models, I strive to be a nurturing, compassionate and skillful nurse. 

Just a couple months ago, I gave birth to a sweet baby girl. She motivates me to continue working hard for my nursing degree so that I can give her the life she deserves. I hope to become a role model for her and inspire her as my mentors have inspired me. I am so grateful and excited to be given the opportunity to join a career as wonderful and fulfilling as nursing. Thank you, Canadian Nursing Foundation, for helping me achieve my dreams. 

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