Award Recipient

Jennifer Cano

Roasters Indigenous Nursing Fund

Prior to pursuing my nursing degree, I completed my undergraduate and Master’s in Health Sciences at University of Ottawa. My Master’s thesis focused on women’s sexual and reproductive health services, specifically in rural, remote, and northern regions of Canada. I spent the past two years in Kenora in Northwestern Ontario, where I worked in public health with a First Nations organization. Outside of work I enjoyed cycling, running, rowing, and cross country skiing. I volunteered as a certified Canadian Ski Patroller, a rowing coach, and a responder on a crisis phone line. I currently volunteer on crisis phone lines with the Toronto Distress Centre.

Throughout my academic, work, and volunteer experiences, I have worked alongside nurses in a variety of roles and I feel that the career path aligns well with my interests, skills, and goals. I believe that nursing will provide me with a strong platform to work with and advocate alongside marginalized populations and social issues that I care deeply about. I will be entering my final year in University of Toronto’s accelerated nursing program, and continue to incorporate the knowledge and insight I gained from my previous experiences into my current nursing studies. I look forward to gaining more clinical experience in health care settings with marginalized populations, and I hope to work in underserviced areas of the country in the future.

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Telephone: 613-680-0879
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