TD Aboriginal Nursing Fund Award
My name is Rachael Truckey; I attend the University of Alberta. The Transfer Program at the University that I completed in 2011, intended for Aboriginal students, is very important, giving our peoples another route to attend university and fulfil their dreams. Having a way for Aboriginal peoples to pursue higher learning is very important to me, and I am thankful to be a part of this program. Higher education is something that many Aboriginal people unfortunately do not get to experience. Sometimes it is due to money or family issues, or academic standings. It is important that people realize when they are in high school what they need to achieve to get accepted into university or college. Awards such as the Canadian Nurses Foundation TD Nursing Fund Award gives an opportunity for those Aboriginal students to be able to pay for tuition, books, rent, etc. while they complete their degree, allowing more time to focus on studying and achieving a high GPA. Becoming an Aboriginal nurse is more than just a job, it’s a dream for me. Being able to help people every day, and go to work loving what you do is something many people don’t have in their lives. I believe that Aboriginal people sometimes need those extra opportunities to get where they are going because of some of the setbacks that happen in life. My goal upon completing my degree is to work in the Edmonton area, perhaps somewhere more rural and small because I know from growing up in a small community that the challenges people face are different from those raised in the city. Being part of a clinic and medical field in a small town would be very rewarding for me. I also dream of being involved with the Aboriginal diabetes programs as the disease is such a growing and continuous threat to Aboriginal and Métis people. Working directly to help Aboriginal people with my nursing degree will be extremely gratifying and their lives will inspire me to continue to help others, especially those troubled with diabetes Finishing my career goals at university is something I have dreamed about for a long time and because I am a very hard working, committed person, giving up is not an option. I will finish my degree program and become an Aboriginal registered nurse. I would like to be a strong example to other Aboriginal people of what hard work and dedication can do and one day I will be able to help others everyday with the knowledge that I am fulfilling their lives as much as mine.