NANB CNA Centennial Scholarship

Since I was a young girl, I always liked to help people around me and health was always intriguing me. That is when I decided to become a nurse. I completed my bachelor’s degree and went on to travel as a nurse. I worked as a registered nurse in Canada, Switzerland and then in the USA before coming back home to Canada. I now work as a nurse clinician doing virtual primary care. I decided to become a nurse practitioner because I love doing primary care and I feel that I have a lot I can bring to clients.

I love the human interactions and all the education that we provide to clients to help them achieve a better health. I love that I get to spend so much time with them. I really feel honored to be able to work by their side and that they share their stories with me.  What I also appreciate, is to be able to discuss and establish a plan of care that will work for them and that is more realistic and easier for them to achieve. I find it so important to involve the clients in their care, it empowers them so much and they get much better results that way.

I truly love being a nurse and I am so grateful I chose this career. I have become such a better person because of it.

Nous contacter

La Fondation des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada accueille toutes les demandes de renseignements.
AdresseCanadian Nurses Foundation
135 Michael Cowpland Drive
Suite 105, Kanata, ON K2M 2E9
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