Healing Healthcare
The past few years have been tough on Canadians. There have been economic, environmental, societal and healthcare challenges that have had significant impact on livelihoods and lifestyles. The resiliency of our country, and our supports have been tested. One particular segment of our population who have been tested more than most are nurses and nursing students.
From coast to coast to coast, the Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) understands there are challenges faced by those in the nursing profession and those hoping to enter it. These challenges are limiting the impact nurses could have on improving the lives of Canadians.
CNF is prepared to address these challenges, and those that have yet to emerge, by providing solutions to improve the care Canadians receive. Investments by CNF in recruitment, retention, mental health support, skill development and nurse-engaged research programs will focus on improving health outcomes. A vibrant, healthy Canada relies on a well-resourced nursing community.
CNF is focusing on these needs through Healing Healthcare and its four pillars. Within each pillar, funding will be provided to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion in all programs.

Advancing Nursing Education
Increase the number and value of annual scholarships and bursaries. Providing support to candidates of Specialized, Baccalaureate, Master and Doctoral levels of education and ensuring support to underrepresented populations.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Nurses, Healthy Communities
Partner with and fund programs that support the well-being of nurse professionals and those that aspire to enter the nursing profession. Investments in programs that focus on the mental health, life skill development, support services and well-being of nurses will ensure healthy communities.
Shaping the Future of Nursing
Expanding its impact beyond traditional scholarship and investing in emerging opportunities for mentorship, coaching and best practice sharing in the nursing profession.
Health Research
Continuing advancement of research that is led by, engages and/or impacts nurses in delivering the best care possible to patients. There is a strong history of nurse-led research changing practice and improving outcomes through basic and clinical research. Nurses are uniquely positioned at the front line of care delivery to identify opportunities for system change and many are equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead this research.