Award Recipient

Lindsay McHardy

CNSA Global Nursing Student Award

My name is Lindsay McHardy and I am in the midst of completing my BSCN at Grant MacEwan University. I’m currently working as an Undergraduate Nurse in Northern Alberta for the summer and will be returning back to my hometown, Edmonton, to complete the last year of my undergraduate program. Nursing school and working as an Undergraduate Nurse has been an absolute whirlwind but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love every second of it.

For the future, I plan to finish my BSCN at MacEwan and potentially continue onto a Masters program in International Development or Global leadership. I believe that as health care providers we have the responsibility to recognize the link between local and global communities and the interconnectedness of national and international health concerns. I have spent hundreds of hours volunteering not only with vulnerable populations in my own community but abroad in countries such as Kenya, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti. My desire to pursue a career in nursing came from being inspired by people during my time volunteering. Every day I am inspired by people; by their resilience, by their love, and by their hope.

Nursing is what I know I meant to do for the rest of my life. I look forward to where it will take me.

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