Award Recipient

Muhammed Imam

CNSA Community Involement Award

My name is Muhammed Imam; I am an undergraduate student at the College of Nursing of the University of Manitoba, Canada. The care for people and the need to provide for my family are the reasons why I would like to become a nurse. I was born into a family of four siblings and parents with no formal education.

Growing up was difficult because of my parents’ lack of education, no motivation from family, and friends, and limited financial resources to support my education. My ordeal was compounded by my parents’ separation and eventual divorce when I was 12 years old. I took up adult responsibilities and cared for my three siblings because my dad was mostly away at work and my mom had moved on with her life. My dad and close relatives funded my elementary and high school education. Post secondary education was difficult because of the limited financial resources, as my dad had retired from employment. The State bursary program for indigenes helped me through the post secondary education.

I relocated with my family to Canada in 2019 and I have since lived in The Pas, Manitoba. Being an immigrant, a father of two teenage daughters, and a husband, is quite challenging in Canada. I decided to go back to school and attain Canadian education. It is my hope that being a nurse would afford me the opportunity to serve and care for people in the community, achieve some financial independence and provide for my family.

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