Award Recipient

Natania Abebe

CNF Award

I am entering my fourth year of nursing at the University of Ottawa. I was drawn to nursing because it is a profession that embodies caring for others and would enable me to work as a healer.  I was also attracted to the idea that as a nurse I would be able to help people from different avenues and roles whether I worked at the bedside, or as a researcher or even clinical professor.  Throughout my undergraduate career, I have been able to do so many interesting things that have helped shape me as a person and future nurse. For example, I have been volunteering at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) for years as playroom monitor, where I participate in therapeutic play with oncology patients by playing my ukulele. Currently, I’m on the board of volunteers at CHEO for students and I’ve organized events such as a “nursing panel” to have more students interested in pursuing nursing! I have also worked as personal support worker and a nursing mentor for the Faculty of Health Science as well as be a student representative for the RNAO. I also am doing epidemiological and clinical research on endometrial cancer and endometriosis. From all of these experiences, I’ve learned that you get what you put in when it comes to nursing. Not only do your patients benefit from your care, but you do as well. I am so grateful that I get to be a part of an evolving profession that puts patients first and helps those in need. Thank you for everything!

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